Halifax House

Organisational Psychology

We provide a wide range of services in organisational psychology, human resources consulting, training & development and private & clinical services.

Human Resources Consulting

We provide a wide range of services in organisational psychology, human resources consulting, training & development and private & clinical services.

Training and Development

We provide a wide range of services in organisational psychology, human resources consulting, training & development and private & clinical services.

Private & Clinical Services

We provide a wide range of services in organisational psychology, human resources consulting, training & development and private & clinical services.

Halifax House Consulting is a boutique organisational consulting business which has been in operation since 1995. Owned and operated by Jacky Dakin, the heritage listed building is located in the Adelaide CBD offering a comfortable ambient atmosphere with parking available.

We provide a range of services in organisational psychology, human resources consulting and training and development. We are broadly experienced in working with both private and public sector organisations. We also offer a variety of services to individuals, including executive and life skills coaching, testing and assessment, personal development, personal and career counselling, and hypnotherapy.

Our Business Objective

We make the time to listen to client needs and tailor our services to match. Our focus is on a quality rather than cost driven outcome and we pride ourselves on our flexibility, positive approach and commitment to our clients. We always aim for the highest level of professionalism and integrity with our clients.


Thank you so much for all of your support and guidance. I have gained an incredible mentor and role model.

Karen Stevens, Provisional Psychologist on Placement

Turning Downside Up: Jacky's How-To

Work on wellbeing by keeping your mind and body strong and healthy so as to stay ahead of the game.

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Don’t let setbacks drag you down. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and survive for another day.

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